My goal for the next two decades is to build the infrastructure for a Type-I Kardashev-scale civilization, and make this technology maximally beneficial to humanity. Specifically, this will be achieved in three parts:
- Build the best general-purpose robot, and make it available to everyone. Bringing embodied intelligence into the world in a safe, maximally-beneficial way will require a hardware embodiment that can be audited by everyone. Unlike smartphones or computers, closed-source embodied intelligence presents an existential risk to humanity, and there is no future in which such technology is allowed to achieve its fullest potential.
- Build the best medium for embodied intelligence. Making robots useful and scalable in the real world will require different silicon substrates. This shift will be significantly larger than the shift from desktop computers to smartphones, because neural networks are a fundamentally different software paradigm. Achieving the best performance will require thinking outside of the Von Neumann architecture.
- Understand human consciousness, and make it reproducible and transmittable. My wife is one of a very small number of people in the world who performs cyborg surgery, which is shedding light on the most likely path to a Feynman-type understanding of human consciousness. The end state of robots will be as its conduits.